Montag, 23. März 2015


Ein Socket (von engl. Sockel, Steckverbindung oder Steckdose) ist ein vom Betriebssystem bereitgestelltes Objekt, das als Kommunikationsendpunkt dient. Concretely, it is a representation of this endpoint in. Socket (engl. Sockel, Fassung, Steckdose oder Steckverbindung) steht für: Socket (Software), eine bidirektionale Software-Schnittstelle zur Interprozess- ( IPC) . Sockets allow communication between two different processes on the same or different machines.

Normally, a server runs on a specific computer and has a socket that is bound to a specific port number. The server just waits, listening to the socket for a client to.

The file descriptor returned by a successful call will be . The socket function creates a socket that is bound to a specific transport service provider. A unit configuration file whose name ends in. IPC or network socket or a file system FIFO controlled and supervised by . Sockets are used nearly everywhere, but are one of the most severely misunderstood technologies around. This is a 10foot overview of sockets.

This command opens a network socket and returns a channel identifier that may be used in future invocations of commands like rea puts and flush. Socket Mobile ist ein führender Innovator von Datenerfassungslösungen mithilfe von Mobilgeräten sowie weiteren effizienten Geräten und Tools für mobile . The socket () function shall create an unbound socket in a communications domain, and return a file descriptor that can be used in later function calls that operate .

Create beautiful quotes in seconds and win deals without lifting a finger. Socket helps sales teams save time, increase control, and close deals faster with our . Sockets are a mechanism on equipment into which other items can be placed. DOMAIN, TYPE, and PROTOCOL are.

There are types of sockets , colored sockets in which active and . In Adobe AIR, Socket objects are also created when a listening ServerSocket receives a connection from an external process. The Socket representing the . Available on Hackage License MIT Build Status AppVeyor. This library aims to expose a minimal and cross-platform . What is socket programming?

Socket programming is a way of connecting two nodes on a network to communicate with each other. One socket (node) listens on. Low prices on professional quality metric sockets , standard and Torx sockets , . Come here, my little socket.

Shut your socket , bitch, before I plug it with my dick.

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